Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Values Orientation in Sport

Character Building
· The most common virtue attributed to sport participation.
·  Development of socially desirable personality traits such as integrity, responsibility wholesomeness, maturity, honesty, dependability & Cleanliness

·  Means obedience to authority
·  Sport ethic participation generates self-discipline & social Control

·  Another view of the sport values is in essence.
·  Sport competitive spirit, develop tomorrow leaders
·  Competitive behavior is unavoidable
·  Not only sport but many varieties of games are structured in this fashion.
·  Competition procedures excitement among participant
·  People compete because it excites them
·  Social comparison theory :- individual engage in an activity to compare themselves with other

Physical Fitness
·  Much confusion surrounding physical fitness because people have different meaning in mind:
a.  Big Muscles or beautiful body
b.  Suppleness
c.  How strong you are, how far & how fast you can run or how many laps & push up you can do.
·       Exercise Physiologist identify 5 different Fitness:
                                                         i.            Cardio Respiratory
                                                        ii.            Body composition
                                                       iii.            Muscular strength
                                                       iv.            muscular endurance
                                                        v.            Flexibility

Mental fitness
·  Games lubricates the body & wind
·  Often pressured to have direct educational benefit, is another frequently mentioned manifestation of sport participation

·   Sport and religion have been interfaced for entries
·   Sport contained demands characteristic of religiosity within & severed as a perversion for life

·  Sport reinforces nationalism & a patriotism form of centuries is the practice of judging alien cultural practices by the standard of one’s own culture.

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Cons Definition: Sport

1)  Sport
·       As playing cooperative/competitive activity in the game form
·       Divided into 4:
a)   Educational Sport
a)  Teaching sport skills, strategies,& Knowledge or purpose of educating student through formal academic course
b)  Applied in both public & Private system of formal education

b)   Athletic Sport
a)  Directing individual; in sport towards the margin of excellent or success in performance which can be identified as winning

c)   Professional Sport
a)  Marketing sport events with an emphasis on entertainment & a financial remuneration to highly skilled participant

d)  Recreational Sport
a)  Programming sport activity for the sake of participation & fun
b)  It is a diverse area that incorporates 5 separates program divisions:
1. Instructional sport
·       Providing learning opportunities about skills strategies, rules & regulation for the purpose of helping participants improve performance
·       Lesson, clinic, & workshop
·       Levels instructional     * Beginner

2. Informal sport
·       Involves a process of directed participation
·       Participate in sport for fitness & fun
3. Intramural sport
·       Consists of structured contests, tournament, leagues or other events when participation is limited to the setting within which the total recreational sport system is located

4. Extramural sport
·       Structured participation between setting
·       An extension of the intramural sport program, this programming area is primarily designed to utilize intramural champion
·       Example : MASUM

5. Club sport
·       Undertaken by interest group organized because of  a common interest in sport
·       Example :       Golf

Thursday, 15 November 2012

The Most Influencing Factors of Physical Activity Participation - May 2011

The 3 Most Influencing Factors of Physical Activity Participation are :
  1. Health Factor
  2. Social Recognition
  3. Enjoyment
The findings after testing all items in the 5 dimensions or variables, we can see that there are no significance differences between influence factor that influence Universiti Kuala Lumpur students to be involved in physical activity. According to data collects showed, with mean score M=3.33 for health factor, M=3.1850 for social recognition factor and in additional M=3.17 for enjoyment factor showed the factor of influence the participation among Universiti Kuala Lumpur respondents in physical activity. Another 2 variables were below than M=3.00 including competition and environment factors.

The result of this test indicates that all dimension or variables shows the same result and was the answer to the first research question. According to Biddle (1998), Iso-Ahola (1980) and Lim (2002), (2004) showed many students also participate in physical activities because of health and similar to the perceived positive health and fitness benefits as well as social and psychological benefits. In additional previous qualitative study also shows has identified a series of meanings, perceptions and beliefs which are able to extend our theoretical understanding of physical activity participation for this age and gender group and identify potentially modifiable determinants for attention in health interventions (Coleman, 2008).

The research also found that social recognition factor also contributes to the influence of the participation of physical activity among Universiti Kuala Lumpur students similar to an interviewed has been done on having learn new skills, increased self-esteem, improved fitness and developed new social networks as motivation to be physically active, (Flintoff, 2005)  and other study showed knowledge of peer group will enable parents, teachers and trainers to guide action to either strengthen the perceived climate or redirect it and thus increase self determination motivation and positive sensation felt during participate in physical activity (Moreno, 2008). This research study has found that all factors influence University Kuala Lumpur students to be involved in physical activity involvement are also similar to the theoretical underpinning as Maslow’s hierarchy 1954 that three stages including safety, love / belonging and esteem.

Other factor is enjoyment which also similar to previous study that enjoyment, interest, fun, and persistence also called intrinsic motivation and it may seem like a program factor but sense of enjoyment is an individual belief (Ryan 2009). In additional previous study also found interest, enjoyment, fun, and persistence is more often as predictors of participation and non-participation than perceived health benefits (Young, 2005).

Definisi Sukan

Definisi Sukan

Sukan didefinisikan sebagai satu aktiviti kerjasama /daya saing dalam bentuk permainan.

Terbahagi kepada 4 iaitu: 

  1. Pendidikan Sukan (teknik, kemahiran, pengetahuan), 
    • Pengajaran kemahiran, strategi, & Pengetahuan bagi tujuan mendidik pelajar melalui kursus akademik rasmi.
  2. Sukan Atlit (kearah atau Mencapai Kemerlangan), 
    • Mengarahkan individu; dalam sukan ke arah margin cemerlang atau mencapai kejayaan dalam prestasi yang boleh dikenalpasti sebagai pemenang
  3. Sukan Profesional (penekanan kepada hiburan dan inbuhan kewangan)
    • Pemasaran dengan penekanan kepada hiburan & imbuhan kewangan kepada peserta yang berkemahiran tinggi.
  4. Sukan Rekreasi (sesuatu yang menyeronokkan atau tanpa dipaksa) 
    • Pengaturcaraan sukan aktiviti tanpa paksaan & menyeronokkan

Definisi lain:-

  1. Exercise
    • Means to practice, to strengthen or to condition through physical activitie
  2. Play
    • Refer to amusement engage in freely for fun & devoid constraint
  3. Recreation
    • Refresh or renew one’s strength & spirit after toil with or with without activity
  4. Games
    • Usually implying winners Or losers can be range from simple diversion
  5. Leisure
    • Freedom from constraint
    • Opportunities to choose
    • Time left after work
    • Free time after obligating social duties have been met
      • he/she must volunteer (not by force), free choice(up to individual) & in strangely motivated
      • Time span in which there is freedom choice & lack compulsion
  6. Competitive Sport
    • Organized highly structured, competitive activities in which skilled individuals participate